Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Where does time go?

It's a week since I posted, and I thought it was just yesterday! Things don't get much quieter- all the children's activities continue- report cards for the middle two yesterday- both of them did remarkably well- Gideon was a bit worried before Ruth opened the envelope. Eleanor decided to be a bit of a rebel today and wear a bit of mascara to school- less than a month and my baby girl's 12.

We went to our Bishop and Liz's house for dinner on Sunday- we ate and talked lots. The children played so nicely together- Martha was moaning all the way home that she wanted to stay at Lucy's. Even though he's only been Bishop 10 days I'm grateful for all he does- it's not an easy call- and being a bishop's wife is much harder. I guess I am in a privileged position, as I was involved in the process of calling him, and felt a witness of the Spirit as we forwarded his name to the First Presidency. I also got that same witness though when he was called.

Change tack altogether- I was at work until about 8pm last night- there was an Intercultural drama workshop run by the Professor of Drama Education and a Japanese lady. The students (and me- I went because of the Shinto link) were taken through a piece of process drama (I'd not seen this before) and explored the space between life and death, and aspects of spirituality. It was amazing- there were so many links with what we do in RE- maybe for the first time I can see a really good use of drama in RE (beyond act out this story we're reading). I'm looking at starting a Master's course in RE next year and am trying to create some modules for students to do- maybe I'll do RE and the Arts as one of them- don't have to decide until Christmas- but I have to make them appealing so people will want to do the course (it's for me to teach and run not study for).

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