Monday, 26 October 2009

An eventful weekend...

...began on Friday evening with Stake 5 a side football (this is where all the Churches in the area send one or two teams to play 5 a side). Ruth thinks this is where people who don't play football for a year skirt the boundaries of sanity by running round football pitches for a night (after this year's I might begin to agree with her). In the first minute of the first match my friend Pete overextended and tore his achilles tendon (5 hours in a&e and a cast for 6-8 weeks). In the third match I made an amazing save (with my face)- it hit with such impact that it blurred my vision in my right eye (if only I wasn't already blind in my left one!!!). I went off, because I couldn't see the bottom half of my visual field! I tried to wait it out- but it wasn't going so 1/2 hour later I had a blessing (crouched in the dark outside the fire exit) which seemed to calm me and ease the blurriness (though there was still a bit). Stupidly I thought I'd play another match- and did... decided it wasn't a good idea and waited for it to settle. I think everyone thought I was fine apart from a bit of blurriness, but inside I was panicking I would lose my vision. It got to where only baout 10% of my vision was blurry- so I drove home (I know- another stupid decision), where I got a bit upset while telling Ruth she had to take me to a&e. 2 hours later and I was discharged- all was fine (I didn't have a detached retina as one person suggested and I worried about).

There was a slight bit of comedy in my visual field test- I was asked to read a chart- but the Dr had sat me in the wrong chair (underneath the mirror)- so it was like reading Russian- she said not to worry, just read it backwards!

Saturday passed in a blur (no pun was intended because the blurriness has dissappeared by Staurday morning), we had Pete and Sara round for dinner (the missionaries had cancelled through illness); I went to chaperone a youth dance in the evening; and then it was Sunday.

I was due to speak for 20 minutes as the final speaker at Church.. I was left with 3 minutes... so I took 3 minutes (which a couple of people complained about- I should have gone on), I feel it important that sacrament finishes on time. The Bishop was very apologetic... I was a bit fed up at one point, but then decided as I was talking about the Holy Ghost it might be beneficial to have it with me and so quickly repented:) I actually changed some of my presentation at General Priesthood last night to utilise some of it. I used 2 Nephi 4: 25 to talk about the enhanced vision the Holy Ghost can provide if we utilise it (and then used D&C 76). A fun weekend

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